半岛·体育» 学科建设» 师资队伍» 现任教师» 讲师 / 工程师 / 实验师
何 毅   (1991年10月)  

2013年毕业于北京体育大学,获理学学士学位。2016年毕业于北京体育大学,获植物学专业理学硕士学位。2019年毕业于北京体育大学,获植物学专业理学博士学位。以第一作者在Phytokeys, Phytotaxa,Nordic Journal of Botany等国际学术期刊发表SCI文章多篇,2019年9月就职于北京体育大学生态学研究所。





■Yi He, Danhui Liu, Tiran Huang, Quanru Liu*.Taxonomic notes on Onosma wardii (Boraginaceae) from Southwestern China. Phytotaxa 433 (4): 277–287. 2020;

■ Yi He, Xuemin Xu, Yu Zhou, Quanru Liu*. Onosma fuyunensis (Boraginaceae), a new species from Xinjiang, China. PhytoKeys 144: 11-22. 2020;

■Yi He, Danhui Liu, Kai Wu, Tiran Huang, Quanru Liu*. The identity of Onosma liui (Boraginaceae) from Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa. 395 (1): 041–047. 2019;

■Yi He, Jiachen Hao, Quanru Liu*. Onosma dolichoutum W.T. Wang (Boraginaceae), a new synonym of O. bracteatum Wall. Phytotaxa 344 (3): 287–290. 2018;

■Yi He, Jiachen Hao, Latif Ahmad, Quanru Liu*. Onosma lhokaensis (Boraginaceae), a new species from Xizang, China. Nordic Journal of Botany. 36 (6): njb-01770. 2018;

■Latif Ahmad, Yi He, Jiachen Hao, Andrew Semotiuk, Quanru Liu*, Paras Mazari. Toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids provide a warning sign to overuse of the ethnomedicine Arnebia benthamii. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 210 (2018): 88–94. 2018;

■Latif Ahmad, Yi He, Andrew Semotiuk, Quanru Liu*. Qualitative determination of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Trichodesma indicum: A prevalent ethnomedicine of Northern Pakistan. Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 9 (1): 11–23. 2018;

■Latif Ahmad, Yi He, Andrew Semotiuk, Quanru Liu*, Jiachen Hao. Survey of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the tribe Lithospermeae (Boraginaceae) from Pan-Himalaya and their chemotaxonomic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 81 (2018): 49–57. 2018;

■Latif Ahmad, Yi He, Andrew Semotiuk, Quanru Liu*, Hammad Ahmad Jan. Pan-Himalaya ethnomedicine safety: Lithospermeae (Boraginaceae) herbal remedies containing toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 10 (3): 129–141. 2019;


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